Monday, November 06, 2006
Choking Sun Stout v2.0
So Sunday I brewed my second 10 gallon batch of Choking Sun Stout. It went VERY well, and I think I have definitely found the source of my stuck sparges - My grain mill was still set to crush wheat malt. It was shredding the crap out of the husks... Why I didn't notice until this batch... I dunno. I haven't changed the mill setting since my last batch of Saison, which was only 3 months (and like 5 batches) ago.
As you can see, I've got alot better crush now - The kernels are broken into several pieces, but the husks are almost completely intact. Yee haw. If only I had noticed back when I was brewing that damn pumpkin stout (which was VERY tasty, BTW).
I also made good use of my false bottom this time around, using whole hops for the complete hop bill - And I have to sincerely apologize to Oliver. He was so right saying that he by far preferred using whole over pellets. The aroma was better, there was significantly less crud in the fermenter, and it just FELT right. Sorry I convinced you to buy all those pellets from North Country Malt Supply, man! We should have just ordered from Freshops last fall too...
Last but not least, I'd say that the results of Project Uberkraeusen were successful - 24 hours, and the damn yeast is ready to blow out of the demijohn (even with 4 gallons of headspace). I fortunately fitted it with a big bore blowoff tube this time around, so I don't need to worry about blown airlocks. I pitched a 1.5L starter from a single White Lab 004 vial after a little more than 24 hours, and I have no worries at all that I've got sufficient yeast in there. If anything... I gotta make sure I keep the temperature down!!!
A very good weekend, all in all... and with my mill back cranking out the good crush and a deep freezer full of whole hops... I can't wait to brew again.

A very good weekend, all in all... and with my mill back cranking out the good crush and a deep freezer full of whole hops... I can't wait to brew again.
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No worries about the pellet order, it forced me to rebuild my kettle manifold and now I am only leaving 1 cup of fluid, much better.
Also, I have still been using at least half an ounce of leaf with that pellet, but I am definitely sticking with leaf from now on. I still have an assload of tettnang pellet.
I took today off(election day) and brewed an IPA, it went pretty smooth with a recipe that's a blend of HopDevil and Dave Brockington's SOS. O.G. was 1.065 with 75 IBU.
By the way, that belgian dubbel fermented down to 1.006 in seven days.
Last thing, I found the bung for that 10 Gal demijon if you want it.
- Oliver
Also, I have still been using at least half an ounce of leaf with that pellet, but I am definitely sticking with leaf from now on. I still have an assload of tettnang pellet.
I took today off(election day) and brewed an IPA, it went pretty smooth with a recipe that's a blend of HopDevil and Dave Brockington's SOS. O.G. was 1.065 with 75 IBU.
By the way, that belgian dubbel fermented down to 1.006 in seven days.
Last thing, I found the bung for that 10 Gal demijon if you want it.
- Oliver
I actually had one that fit on hand, and bought a second one and drilled it w/ a 1" hole saw for a BBBOT....
Cool about the IPA. Can't wait to try it.... and I plan on bringing you a present to our Nov meeting (or December if you can make that one) - Several ounces of Pacific Gem leaf hops. I got a pound from Freshops, and would love to see what you could do with them.
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Cool about the IPA. Can't wait to try it.... and I plan on bringing you a present to our Nov meeting (or December if you can make that one) - Several ounces of Pacific Gem leaf hops. I got a pound from Freshops, and would love to see what you could do with them.
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