Tuesday, May 23, 2006
A-B Distribution
If you have been following the news, Anheuser-Busch has been acquiring stake many well known brands for distribution purposes (Red Hook, Pyramid; now Goose Island).
They are behemoths with their own distribution networks, and with their new partners in craft brewing, they have the ability to squeeze out the little guy.
Case in point ~ from the Weyerbacher website:
If you're in New Jersey, you may need to push your store to get this brew in [DOUBLE SIMCOE IPA -ed.]. With Anheuser-Bush's push to distribute microbrews in NJ, many stores are not as open to bringing in new products right now. This information is according to our NJ wholesaler, Hunterdon Dist, in Phillipsburg. They suggest you strongly advise your store to bring in this beer or it may get passed on for no good reason. According to some, stores in NJ have been avalanched with new brands lately.
Let you voice be heard on this subject!
!!! Refuse and Resist !!!

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They are behemoths with their own distribution networks, and with their new partners in craft brewing, they have the ability to squeeze out the little guy.
Case in point ~ from the Weyerbacher website:
If you're in New Jersey, you may need to push your store to get this brew in [DOUBLE SIMCOE IPA -ed.]. With Anheuser-Bush's push to distribute microbrews in NJ, many stores are not as open to bringing in new products right now. This information is according to our NJ wholesaler, Hunterdon Dist, in Phillipsburg. They suggest you strongly advise your store to bring in this beer or it may get passed on for no good reason. According to some, stores in NJ have been avalanched with new brands lately.
Let you voice be heard on this subject!
!!! Refuse and Resist !!!

Copy & use this clip art at will !!!