Sunday, October 02, 2005
All-new brews

use some flaked oats and flaked barley for extra body and creaminess, mash at a higher temp, take out the honey and use molassas instead, totally drop the carmelized brown sugar, and put a cinnamon stick in the secondary... And see how radically different the second one comes out.
The pumpkin ale I have right now is a little lacking in the body department, but has some pumpkin flavor and plenty of spices. The honey very obviously just added fermentables and little else... as did the brown sugar. I was really hoping for more of a flavor contribution from the brown sugar. I either used too little... or should have added it late in the boil. Not sure.

The vanilla character is also sorely lacking in this batch... I am not sure if the beans I got were less fresh than last time around or something (both batches used ones from the Newark Coop off Main Street), but I just don't sense it. Next time I'll order some bourbon vanilla beans from
Got 3 good beers on tap though... very happy. So now I've got a new batch or two I need to work on in the coming weeks in addition to the those I already had planned. My 10 gallons of Belgian Wit got delayed until Tuesday evening due to a shift in my weekend plans (and a yeast starter that wasn't ready yet), but hey - it'll happen.