Thursday, September 29, 2005


And another 3 gone...

My available keg space just increased dramatically. Last night the American Pale Ale and Black Honey both kicked, and I expect to see an end to the Abbey tripel this weekend. The APA unfortunately never made it into a bottle... there was one pint left last night, and my son accidently knocked it over so I didn't even get to enjoy it. The Black Honey Ale and Abbey Tripel both got 5-6 bottles filled so I'll have some to enter in the upcoming competition if need be.

I put the Oak Aged Vanilla Porter on tap last night (some may remember it as "Sex in a glass") and will get Ichabod's Revenge Pumpkin Ale on tap sometime this weekend. Donna's b-day is Monday, so she gets to choose the brews to celebrate. Not sure what the third will be - maybe the Native Rage IPA. I could use it to singe everyone's taste buds in the competition and sway things in my favor... mwaa haa haa. Or maybe the Phoenix ESB... That would be nice.

This weekend is 10 gallons of Belgian Wit, brewed early Sunday morning. A fellow brewer might sneak out of his house and come watch, if his wife lets him - he's looking into doing all-grain soon. I've also got recipes ready for 5 gallons of "Homegrown Pale Ale", that will use my Nugget and Cascade hops from this season, 10 gallons of many beers (my peated scottish is next up), and the Ommegang clone whenever I get around to it.

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