Sunday, August 21, 2005
Membership Drive this Tuesday
As stated previously on our site and the blog...
The American Homebrewer's Association is having a membership drive in Delaware at the Wilmington Riverfront Iron Hill location on August 23rd. Many local DE breweries are participating, and our club will have a table as well. It is an opportunity to renew or join for a very low price ($33) and receive a years worth of benefits including a subscription to Zymurgy magazine. You don't want to miss this! Click on the membership drive link for additional details.
Our meeting on Friday was great - Many thanks to Oliver for hosting it. The food was fantastic, and fun was had by all. Our bulk grain order from North Country Malt Supply came in and was distributed - I now have a ridiculous quantity of grain and hops in my basement & freezer. Very happy. So this week I'll be brewing an ESB (can't do the Belgian Wit since I am still trying to locate another ounce of Bitter Orange) and I'll use it to step up to a good volume for a 10 gallon batch of Nut Brown.

Our meeting on Friday was great - Many thanks to Oliver for hosting it. The food was fantastic, and fun was had by all. Our bulk grain order from North Country Malt Supply came in and was distributed - I now have a ridiculous quantity of grain and hops in my basement & freezer. Very happy. So this week I'll be brewing an ESB (can't do the Belgian Wit since I am still trying to locate another ounce of Bitter Orange) and I'll use it to step up to a good volume for a 10 gallon batch of Nut Brown.